Visual Sun Calculator Apps
Skyclock is used by pilots for compliance with daytime / night time flight rules
Skyclock is used by hikers and campers to plan when to set up camp while there is still light
Walkers, runners, joggers use Skyclock to plan their workouts so they can begin or end with enough daylight to be safe
Skyclock is used by pilots for compliance with daytime / night time flight rules
Skyclock Notable/Media
iPhone Life called Skyclock "a Time Genie"
GolfBlogger.com said "a terrific app - amazingly useful..."
"Skyclock Saves Daylight" from Hour Detroit Magazine
PhotographyBlog.com called Skyclock "a useful resource for landscapists and other “magic hour” photographers".
Skyclock has over 80,000 users from 90 countries
Featured App status and numerous appearances in the Top 5 Utilities Apps
Featured "App of the Night" on App Turbo